Extractions in Little Falls NJ
Although it is always our mission to save teeth whenever possible, there are times when teeth need to be extracted. If you are having problems with a painful tooth, or need to have teeth extracted for orthodontic care, you should visit us at A to Z Family Dentistry, PC. Our dentists, Dr. Marina Guelfguat, for one, can provide you with tooth
extractions in Little Falls NJ when needed.
If you have a toothache, we urge you to visit us at our dental practice. Our dentist will provide you with a complete diagnosis as well as the type of care that you need. Sometimes a toothache can be caused by a large cavity or by a tooth that is infected and needs root canal treatment. If these services are needed they can be provided at our dental practice. However, there are times when a tooth cannot be saved with a root canal. Also, for some patients with specific medical conditions it may be dangerous to leave an infected tooth in the mouth. In these cases, our dentist can provide tooth
extractions in Little Falls NJ. We use modern dental anesthesia so that patients remain perfectly comfortable during tooth extractions; we can perform simple and surgical extractions in this manner. Sometimes, patients come in with a toothache that is caused by wisdom teeth. Wisdom teeth very commonly cause problems because they are the last teeth in the mouth to corrupt, at which point little space is left for new teeth. Wisdom teeth often come in sideways, and end up pushing permanent teeth out of place. In these cases, it is important to have your wisdom teeth extracted. If your wisdom teeth have come in fully and did not cause any problems, there is no reason to see our dentist regarding wisdom teeth. When other teeth are extracted, our dentist can provide tooth replacement with dental implants.
If you are experiencing a toothache, contact our dental office and let them know you need an emergency appointment. If necessary, our dentist will provide you with tooth
extractions in Little Falls NJ.
By A to Z Family Dentistry, PC
January 29, 2017
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